The headline of my post was simply, "Why I Left Google". I titled it as such because that's the exact question I wanted to answer for my family and friends, not because I was attempting to bait people into reading my article. Yet bait people I did, however unintentionally; this title grabbed the attention of people who knew the company was a desirable place to work and couldn't imagine anyone ever leaving.

2) Content.
The most reoccurring piece of feedback I received on "Why I Left Google" was that it was "well-written". I'm not going to toot my own horn, but if people liked what I wrote and how I wrote it, it makes sense that they would share it.

3) Authenticity.
I'm a very candid person, and I intentionally wrote a very candid post. Most people would hesitate to admit they struggled in a role under any circumstances, especially in a public forum. But for me that was the truth, and I wasn't embarrassed or ashamed by it. Yet from the comments I received, it's clear that people respected the transparency, most likely because it's something that is unfortunately so rare in today's business world.

4) Relatability. 
What was most surprising about the reaction to my piece was the number of comments written (and InMails received) from people who were experiencing the exact same thing as I had experienced. (This group included half a dozen Googlers who were still working at the company, and were relieved that what they were feeling wasn't abnormal.) These people -- Googlers and non-Googlers alike -- found themselves in jobs they didn't like, but felt they couldn't do what I did and just leave. People took my story and turned it into their own with comments like, "I felt the exact same way when I left X" and, "I did something similar years ago and have never been happier."

Intrigue, Content, Authenticity, and Relatability. Is this the recipe for how to guarantee something will "go viral"? No, of course not, there's no such thing.

But I sure think it helps.

This article was originally posted on LinkedIN June 2, 2016.