David Pullara

Friday, October 13, 2017

Do the Work (Just Start!)

Earlier this week I tested out a new flexible way of working via Flexday, a start-up that, "transforms restaurants closed during the day into a curated network of workspaces." One of the founders, a friendly and accomplished gentleman I had met previously, stopped by my table to say hello. After chatting for awhile, he asked me, "So, what do you think?"  I gave him an honest opinion: I thought the environment was nice, and comfortable... but it wasn't perfect. I saw a few opportunities for improvement, and shared a few thoughts and ideas.  He smiled, nodded, and explained how he had spent a lot of time thinking about this concept, but one day realized he just needed to "do the work" and start it up. He couldn't be scared by all the things that might go wrong, and he couldn't wait for perfect. He just needed to start, and knew that later he could adjust the things that weren't working. That attitude is why I think he'll be successful.  As a recovering perfectionist myself, I know that while good can certainly be the enemy of great, great is often the enemy of done.  Putting something you created out into the world for all to see (and critique) can be terrifying. But doing so, then accepting honest feedback and making any changes that may be necessary, is the way you ultimately succeed.

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